

PS+6月会免游戏阵容公开 - 杀戮空间2

6月份PS+会免游戏清单已被公开,其中史克威尔艾尼克斯的《奇异人生(Life Is Strange)》及Tripwire Interactive的《杀戮地带2(Killing Floor 2)》赫然在列。

Set in a fictional Oregon town of Arcadia Bay senior student Max Caulfield comes back to town after five years to reunite with her former friend Chloe as they attempt to find out what happened to fellow student Rachel Amber, whose disappearance remains unexplained. The pair find themselves exposed to the darker side of Arcadia Bay as they uncover the disturbing truth behind this sudden disappearance. Meanwhile, Max begins to have premonitions as she struggles to understand the implications of an unknown power she discovers -- she can rewind time. While this power may help change painful events and even save lives, Max must learn that changing the past can sometimes lead to a devastating future.  <p> Life Is Strange is a five part episodic game that sets out to revolutionize story based choice and consequence games by allowing the player to rewind time and affect the past, present and future. These digitally-delivered, narrative-driven adventure game episodes were created as a collaboration between publisher Square Enix and developer Dontnod.











《深渊奥德赛》最早于2014年发售,IGN给出了6.7分的评价,并在文中写到,此游戏“一款优秀Roguelike类游戏所应具备的品质《深渊奥德赛》都有,但唯独缺少最核心的一条 – 没有让玩家反复游玩的冲动。”


距5月份PS+会免游戏的发售尚有几天时间,届时游戏阵容将包括《智慧之海(ABZU)》及《无主之地传说(Tales From the Borderlands)》。

  • 平台/主題
  • PS4
  • PC
  • XboxOne